Meet the team
Our leaders

Zach Shull

Erin Wood

Rachelle White

Teresa Jones
BHHBA Executive Officers Of The Board

Builder Board Directors

Associate Board Directors

National Delegates


Alternative State Directors
Life Delegates
Senior Life Delegates
Roles & Responsibilities
The President is the chief elected officer of the association and is responsible for the functioning of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The President shall exercise personal leadership in the motivation of other officers, board members, committee chairs, committee members, and the general membership. The President oversees the establishment of goals and objectives for the organization. He/she shall act as spokesperson and inspirational leader for the association and shall work in partnership with the executive officer for the achievement of established goals and objectives.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Presides at and attends all meetings of the members, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee and coordinates agenda material with the Executive Officer.
- In concordance with the Executive Officer, sees that the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and officers are kept fully informed on the conditions and operations of the association.
- Works with the Executive Officer in seeing that basic policies and programs designed to further the goals and objectives of the association are planned, formulated and executed following presentation to and approval from the Board of Directors.
- Appoints the chairs and members of presidential committees and task forces, outlines the purpose and duties of these committees and task forces and monitors progress.
- Acts as a liaison between local, state and national leadership.
- Supports and defends policies and programs adopted by the membership, Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
- Promotes membership interest and active participation in the association and reports activities of the board and association to members by means of letters, publications, or speeches.
- Acts as spokesperson for the association to the press, the public, legislative bodies, and related organizations.
- Presents an annual report on the activities and accomplishments of the association.
- Exercises general supervision of the activities of the association’s committees.
- Oversees the work and activities of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and other association committees.
- In cooperation with the Executive Officer, ensures that all policies and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out.
- Works closely with the president-elect in preparing to assume the duties of the President.
- Identifies and nurtures future leaders of the association.
- Ensures competent management of the association and sets specific management goals and objectives.
- Initiates an annual performance and salary review of the Executive Officer by the Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee.
1st Vice President
The 1st Vice President is a key member of the President’s team and as such serves as a member of the Executive Committee and assists the President in the performance of his/her duties.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Serves as a chair, appointed member, ex-officio member, or officer with oversight of association task forces, working groups, and meetings as assigned by the President.
- Serves as the official representative of the association at industry meetings as assigned by the President.
- Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Board of Directors or the President.
- Actively supports and participates in the programs and activities of the association.
- Works to increase member/leader involvement in association activities.
- Maintains contact with other board members and state association officials and reports state association developments to the President and Executive Committee.
- Provides oversight of assigned committees and reports their activities to the President, Executive Committee and/or board.
Board Advisor
The Executive Board Advisor shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the association. Upon direction of the President, he/she may perform other duties appropriate to this office.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Serves as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
- Attends all Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings.
- Serves as a liaison between local, state, and national associate leaders.
The Treasurer is a key member of the President’s team, serves as a member of the Executive Committee, and assists the President in the performance of his/her duties. The Treasurer works closely with the members of the Budget and Finance Committee to ensure the integrity of the fiscal affairs of the association.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Serves as chair of the Finance Committee, as a member of the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors.
- Maintains accurate financial records in cooperation with the association staff and the Finance Committee.
- Reviews association expenditures and financial status on a regular basis to ensure fiscal integrity.
- Ensures timely reports to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and presents a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting.
- Submits the financial accounts of the association to an annual independent auditor for examination.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President and Board of Directors, which may include providing oversight or serving as a chair or member of other committees.
- Represents the association to other industry groups or other organizations as assigned by the President.
- Actively supports and participates in the programs and activities of the association.
The Committee Chair directs the members and activities of the committee to ensure accomplishment of goals and objectives as directed by the President.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Assists in developing the committee objectives.
- Informs committee members of the objectives, their expected individual contributions, and their responsibilities.
- Assists the President by making recommendations on committee member appointments.
- Prepares meeting agendas and assures the distribution of relevant information to all members prior to meetings.
- Presides over committee meetings to ensure adherence to the major issues and purposes of the committee.
- Assists the association leaders in identifying potential leaders among the committee members.
- Encourages active participation by committee members in the activities of the association.
- Prepares committee status reports for the Board of Directors.
Committee Chair
The Committee Chair directs the members and activities of the committee to ensure accomplishment of goals and objectives as directed by the President.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Assists in developing the committee objectives.
- Informs committee members of the objectives, their expected individual contributions, and their responsibilities.
- Assists the President by making recommendations on committee member appointments.
- Prepares meeting agendas and assures the distribution of relevant information to all members prior to meetings.
- Presides over committee meetings to ensure adherence to the major issues and purposes of the committee.
- Assists the association leaders in identifying potential leaders among the committee members.
- Encourages active participation by committee members in the activities of the association.
- Prepares committee status reports for the Board of Directors.
Committee Member
Under the direction of the Committee Chair, committee members participate in all committee activities and work toward the fulfillment of the committee objectives.
Duties, Responsibilities and Authorities:
- Attends all meetings of the committee.
- Carries out individual assignments that are made by the committee chairman.
- Reviews all relevant material prior to the committee meetings.
- Participates in committee discussions and deliberations and voices objective opinions on committee issues and topics.
- Understands the specific responsibilities of the committee.
- Has an awareness of the association’s practices, policies and procedures as it pertains to the committees’ goals and objectives.
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